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AAI - Accredited Advisor In Insurance
Designation offered by the Insurance Institute of America (CPCU/IIAA) that stresses the production side of insurance, with study in personal and commercial property and liability contracts, sales and agency management.
AFIS - Ag/Farm Insurance Specialist
The AFIS designation is the foremost professional designation for specialists in the agricultural and farm insurance industry.
AIC - Associate In Claims
Designation offered by the Insurance Institute of America (CPCU/IIAA). Earning the AIC designation can improve technical claim handling abilities as well as communication and negotiation skills.
AIM - Associate In Management
The AIM program includes human resource management, analysis of current business issues, and general management principles and practices. This designation is offered by the Insurance Institute of America (CPCU/IIAA).
AIS - Associate In Insurance Services
Customer focus, basic understanding of continuous improvement principles. This designation is offered by the Insurance Institute of America (CPCU/IIAA).
AMIM - Associate In Marine Insurance Management
Offered by the Insurance Institute of America (CPCI/IIAA) this broad-based program is structured to improve knowledge of marine insurance. This program was developed with the assistance of the Inland Marine Underwriters Association and the American Institute of Marine Underwriters.
ARM - Associate In Risk Management
Courses in this program deal with identification and evaluation of exposures to both accidental losses and business risks, analysis of risk control and financing techniques for each exposure, selection of the most effective risk management alternatives and ways to implement and monitor selected risk control and risk financing techniques. The ARM program is offered through the Insurance Institute of America (CPCU/IIAA)
CIC - Certified Insurance Counselor
Offered by The National Alliance for Insurance Education & Research, the CIC program has been the industry’s premier, proven source for practical, real-world education since 1969. Iimportant aspects in personal lines, commercial casualty, commercial property, life and health and agency management are covered.
CISR - Certified Insurance Service Representative
The National Alliance for Insurance Education & Research offers this practical program, stressing methods to minimize E&O claim possibilities and the understanding and analysis of risks and exposures.
CLCS - Commercial Lines Coverage Specialist
Created with the learning needs of new insurance producers, agents, managers, CSRs and corporate staff in mind, the CLCS is the most complete professional learning program available for industry professionals seeking to master the subject of commercial lines coverage. Sponsored by The National Underwriter Company, students completing the CLCS program have demonstrated extensive knowledge in a critical functional area of property and casualty insurance practice-insurance policy coverage-and will have applied that knowledge in real-life case study exercises.
CLU - Chartered Life Underwriter
The CLU course of study provides in-depth knowledge on the insurance needs of individuals, business owners and professional clients. The courses needed to earn this professional designation are offered through The American College.
CPCU - Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter
CPCU is respected as the premier designation in property-casualty insurance. Holding this designation immediately identifies a person as a knowledgeable and dedicated professional. Offered by The Insurance Institute of America (CPCU/IIAA), the program provides a broad understanding of the property-casualty industry focusing on the legal, financial and operational aspect of risk management and insurance, as well as on financial services.
XPIW - Certified Professional Insurance Woman
The CPIW designation is awarded to women who have at least five years’ experience in the insurance industry, meet NAIW membership requirements, and have completed two courses from the NAIW curriculum.
CRIS - Construction Risk and Insurance Specialist
The CRIS designation to certify their knowledge of construction insurance and risk management as well as their dedication to the construction industry
CRM - Certified Risk Manager
This designation is offered by The National Alliance for Insurance Education & Research. The five courses provide in-depth knowledge about today’s highest priorities – identifying, analyzing, controlling, financing, and administering operational risks – as well as political risks, catastrophic loss exposures, third-party exposures, fiduciary exposures, employee injury exposures, juridical risks, legal risks, and more – whether insurable or not.
PLCS - Personal Lines Coverage Specialist
PLCS is offered by The National Underwriter Company. It is the most complete professional learning program available for industry professionals seeking to master the subject of personal lines coverage.
REBC - Registered Employee Benefits Consultants
Offered by The American College, earning the REBC designation provides practical knowledge on pensions and retirement plan funding, installation and administration. The program also covers group medical plans, long-term care, executive compensation, personnel management and much more.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]