If you're considering including life insurance in your employee benefits package you will have several coverage issues to consider, including whom to cover and the type and amount of coverage to offer.
A popular employee benefit for both employers and employees is life insurance. Offering it is entirely optional but worth considering if you and your employees can benefit from the possible lower rates of insuring a group. Our flexible life insurance offerings let you customize a package just right for your company.
Group life insurance can be a welcome benefit for your employees, particularly those with medical conditions that make it hard to qualify for individual coverage. By buying these plans as an organization, you spread the risk and reduce the per-person premium. Generally, group life insurance is a term life policy, and benefits are usually a multiple of the employee's annual salary. Offering life insurance to a select group of employees requires compliance with non-discrimination laws. It may also impact the taxability of the coverage, so using an employee benefits service to design the plan is recommended.
Each client has unique and pressing needs. We offer broad coverage that can ensure your success, whether you're an individual mitigating risk or a business looking to grow. Our representatives can inform you of the tools you need to succeed:
- Standard coverages and custom solutions
- Ongoing support and consulting services
- A streamlined claims process